添加时间:英特尔或将收购以色列AI芯片公司Habana Labs。据报道,英特尔可能正在酝酿一笔价值在10亿至20亿美元的收购,目标是以色列深度学习芯片初创公司Habana Labs。这将是继2016年Movidius和Nervana之后,英特尔第三次收购大型人工智能(AI)初创公司。
责任编辑:万露在扫黑除恶专项斗争中,全国扫黑办最新指导意见要求,彻底摧毁黑恶势力犯罪的经济基础,坚持抓捕和查财产同步进行,并在执行中要注意保护被告人和第三人合法权益。4月9日,全国扫黑办发布关于办理扫黑除恶案件的四个意见。其中涉及“两高两部”印发的《关于办理黑恶势力刑事案件中财产处置若干问题的意见》(简称《意见》)。 (小标题)抓捕涉黑恶犯罪人员和查清涉案财产同步进行
Simon: As I said I do not expect a strong impact。 Germany actually needs more Chinese investments。 Currently there is only one Chinese greenfield factory operating in Germany。 And actually the states and cities are vying for Chinese investments – opposite to the restrictions on the federal level。 China and Germany are ideal partners。 They have to find a way to cooperate。 That has worked very well in the past。 Both sides do not gain if they are too assertive。
今年老李老两口来北京“躲清静”,感觉不错,“明年还来”,老李已经想着下一年的安排了。“明年咱们去南方暖和的地方过年也挺好。”儿子和老伴想得更远。新京报记者 张牵 校对 柳宝庆责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222多举措提高生育二孩家庭福利保障工人日报
责任编辑:张国帅何建华专栏:快速城市化与“新乡村时代”何建华 来源:澎湃新闻伴随着国家层面乡村振兴战略的大力实施,江苏提出探索乡村善治之路,把实施乡村振兴战略作为新时代“三农”工作总抓手,坚持农业农村优先发展,全面推进农业农村现代化,开创“新乡土时代”。这无疑是快速城市化进程带来的发展战略逻辑选择,是促进长三角区域乡村振兴、实现城乡融合高质量发展的不二法门、必由之路。
Simon: Forced tech transfer was probably necessary in an earlier stage of development。 Today China is in a position of strength, where any forced or inappropriate transfer of technology should be abandoned。 I think both countries should also stop to think of German or Chinese companies。 Companies as such have no nationality。 A German company which runs a good factory in China is a blessing for China。 And a Chinese company which runs a good factory in Germany is a blessing for Germany。 I often say that German companies have to become Chinese, and in the same vein Chinese companies have to become German。 The consulting company I founded, Simon-Kucher & Partners, has employees from 68 countries who work in 38 offices all over the world。 Our origin is in Germany, but we are not a German company。 In Beijing and Shanghai we are a Chinese company, all our employees there are Chinese。 I personally think that we have transcended the state of nationalism in our company。 But the politicians and most people are still thinking in national, if not nationalistic terms。 The result is what we see today in the trade tensions and the danger that global value chains are destroyed。